Weekly Lent Devotional


March 25, 2024

By Rev. Kathleen Dieter

Matthew 26:36-46

Jesus prayerfully enters the garden and knows the script that is about to unfold.
The curtains are drawn and the scene is being set in the quiet darkness of the hour.
No musical prelude. No comfortable seating. No quiet murmurs of expectation.
Just Father & Son deeply engaged in the agonizing prayer of painful anticipation.
This drama was not birthed from the mind of a creative playwright.
It comes directly from the heart of The Heavenly Father.
But…Jesus knows this.
Is Jesus joyful about the prospect? No.
Does He share in our sense of physical and emotional suffering? Yes.
But, for the joy set before Him He was willing to endure the cross. (Hebrews 12:12)
As we now enter into the most Holy of dramas, The Passion, our awareness of Jesus’ humanity surfaces.
Our responses seem, at times, insufficient. He knows.
Our hearts cry out as we try to comprehend His greatness and our insignificance. He knows.
Our need for Jesus transcends anything this world has to offer. He knows.
That is the purpose of this real-life drama.
The scenes are set: Death, Burial, Resurrection
The conflict is intense: He was crushed for our iniquities (Isaiah 53:5)
The dialogue is powerful: “Father, forgive them.” (Luke 23:34)
The encore is glorious: “You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” (Matthew 24:44)
When will the curtain of Heaven open and God reveal our Savior? I do not know. But He knows.

Prayer: Lord, may we be faithful in prayer and service to You until the day of Your return. Amen