Brooksville Community Church


Brooksville Community Church is part of The Wesleyan Church with over 5,000 congregations worldwide. 

Brooksville Community Church’s message focuses on the good news that faith in Jesus Christ makes possible a personal relationship with God, a holy life empowered by His Spirit for witness and service, and assurance of abundant living here and eternal life in heaven.

We believe in one God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is the Savior of all who put their faith in Him for eternal life. We believe that Christ-followers are called to become holy in character and conduct and that the Lord’s Spirit filling us makes this possible. We believe it is our responsibility to share hope and holiness with people everywhere until the Lord returns so that their lives can be transformed through faith in Jesus Christ, too. 

Learn more about The Wesleyan Church and its global ministries online at

Guiding Beliefs of the Church

The following is a summary of the core biblical doctrines that guide Brooksville Community Church. These doctrines can be viewed in their entirety here

1. Faith in the Holy Trinity— God is three persons in one eternal being.

2. The Father— God the Father is the source all that exists and made people in His image.

3. The Son of God— Jesus Christ is fully God and man and our only way to be saved.

4. The Holy Spirit— The administrator of God’s grace in our lives.

5. The Sufficiency and Full Authority of the Holy Scriptures— The 66 books of the Bible are inspired by God, infallible (dependable) and inerrant (without error in teaching everything we need for salvation).

6. God’s Purpose for Humanity— People exist to love God supremely and one another as ourselves.

7. Marriage and the Family— Our sexuality is a reflection of God’s image and is to be exercised in the context of marriage, which is a monogamous, lifelong relationship between one man and one woman.

8. Personal Choice— Every individual is morally responsible for choosing between right and wrong, which is only possible with the aid of God’s grace.

9. Sin: Original, Willful, and Involuntary— Sin is willful disobedience to the known law of God, growing out of a disposition (called "original sin") we all inherit from Adam and Eve that leads toward involuntary shortcomings and imperfections, as well as intentional acts of unrighteousness that separate one from God and can only be remedied by Christ’s atonement. 

10. The Atonement— Christ’s offering of himself provides the only way of forgiveness of sins and freedom from sin’s control over us; it is available to all, but must be received by faith.

11. Repentance and Faith— The Holy Spirit prompts us to willfully turn away from and confess our sins, giving us the power to do so through faith.

12. Justification, Regeneration, and Adoption— Repentance and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ instantly grants us God’s full pardon, brings us new spiritual life from Him and makes us children of God.

13. Good Works— Good works do not save us from our sins, but they are the fruit and evidence of a living faith.

14. Sin After Regeneration— It is possible (although not necessary) for a believer to fall back into sin, but God’s grace can restore us.

15. Sanctification: Initial, Progressive, Entire— The Holy Spirit works to make us holy from the moment of our justification, enabling us to grow in grace both gradually and by bringing us to a moment of total consecration to God, followed by further lifelong growth in loving obedience to God’s revealed will.

16. The Gifts of the Spirit— Those who have the Holy Spirit in their lives are given special abilities by Him that enable them to build up others in Christ’s body.

17. The Church— The Church is the entire body of believers in Christ from every generation, who love Him and live in obedience to His commands.

18. The Sacraments: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper— Water baptism and the Lord’s Supper are means of grace Christ has commanded us to observe, through which our faith is quickened, strengthened and confirmed.

19. The Second Coming of Christ— We believe in the certainty of the Lord’s return to fulfill all prophecies of His final and complete triumph over evil.

20. The Resurrection of the Dead— Christ’s resurrection is the guaranteed that all people will be bodily resurrected from the dead—the righteous at the time of Christ’s return and the wicked at a later time.

21. The Judgment of All Persons— God is the all-knowing, just judge of all persons and will reward or punish each person in a final meeting before His throne.

22. Destiny— There is a conscious, personal existence after death—heaven for those who choose salvation through Christ and hell for those who neglect this great salvation.